Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Fats Waller - Handful of Keys

Band: Fats Waller
Song: Handful of Keys
Album: Handful Of Keys (1938)
Genre: Jazz, Swing

So I'm having a disaster of a time finding original release dates for these older songs.  Most of the recordings that are around now seem to be bootlegged live recordings of one type or other, and the official releases were mostly put out in the 80s and 90s, so you know there's no way that's legit.

Still though, I'm tying as much as I can to give reasonably accurate dates, ya feel?

Enjoy one of the greatest Jazz piano dudes to ever live.

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  1. Great job finding what you can, Noah.

    1. Thank you much! Luckily for me there a selection of sites devoted to certain jazz artists that help out greatly
