Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Carpenter Brut - Le Perv

Artist: Carpenter Brut
Song: Le Perv
Album: EP 1 (2014)
Genre: Dark Synthwave
Bandcamp: carpenterbrut.bandcamp.com

So pretty much nobody comments on this blog, and I'm totally fine with that.  I'd love to talk, but I also almost never comment on blogs myself so I totally understand.

One guy who does though is Roland Clarke, who mentioned that, as gamers, we get introduced to some bomb soundtracks.  Personally, I couldn't agree more, and after I read that I was thinking about what game I could feature next in the music department.

I can't believe it took me a whole day to remember Hotline Miami.  This game has what is probably my favorite soundtrack I've ever heard.  While they didn't compose any of the songs originally for the game (except the title tracks), the songs set the stage for the game in a wonderful way.  If you haven't heard of the game, I'd advise you check out the game either yourself or in videos.  This one and this one are decent gameplay examples, with the second one really highlighting the tense atmosphere the soundtrack can add.

100% gigantic fan of the game, and the soundtrack is to die for.  I used to make everybody at work listen to it for hours on end.  In hind site, kinda a dick move, but I was point in the kitchen at the time, so I got to make calls like that.

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  1. Thanks for the mention and that link to my site, Noah. Don't know the game, nor the artist, but I agree that the soundtrack enhances the game. It so helps when you are locked into a solid session tackling game challenges - whatever the genre. I will be interested in which other game soundtracks you choose.

    1. My pleasure sir! I'm also interested to see that, as I'm not sure what soundtrack I'll post next, haha
