Friday, August 24, 2018

Green Day - Are We The Waiting/St. Jimmy

Band: Green Day
Song: Are We The Waiting/St. Jimmy
Album: American Idiot (2004)
Genre: Punk Rock

I don't care what people say, Green Day has some good music.  Like, after putting out this album, it literally became a Rock Opera on Broadway.  That's really cool dude, like, what the heck.

I really only wanted to share the song St. Jimmy (which starts at 2:42), but there's no official version that's separate for me.  I dunno dude, I like the song by itself, I don't feel like it needs the previous track to support it, ya know?  It's got so much energy though, it's a fantastic kick in the pants that I think a lot of people can appreciate.

What is great about the pairing though is the stark contrast between styles.  One is a slow, contemplative song, while the other burns out at an incredible pace.

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  1. I like both songs, although they are totally different - shows variety to the group.

    1. I always forget how much I love this album as a whole honestly, it's just nice
