Friday, August 3, 2018

Childish Gambino - Redbone

Band: Childish Gambino
Song: Redbone
Album: Awaken, My Love! (2016)
Genre: Rap, Hip Hop

So I've been thinking for a little while now, and I think it's time to wrap up this project.  Come September this marks a 4 year run, and I feel like it's a good time for it all to come to a close.  While I still love exposing people to new music, I also feel like my main passion has shifted, you know?

I guess I just love audio as a media outlet a little more now.  The fact that I get to interact with friends of mine while I do it is just a blast, and I really enjoy audio editing as a whole.  I feel kinda bad since it's so far been an uninterrupted 1417 posts we've had here (or so my spreadsheet tells me), but it just feels like a good time to stop.  It's a new time in my life, and as long as I'm changing things I may as well change this too, yeah?

We're gonna end at either the anniversary date in September, or on New Years Eve as the last day.  Feel free to make your opinion on that one known, I'll happily take it into consideration.

Enjoy this kinda sad sounding song, haha

You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, or even sponsor me on Patreon. No big, do whatever. But yeah, Twitter and Facebook are where I’m most active.

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  1. Whenever you stop, Noah, are you going to do occasional posts? I'd miss your posts, having just discovered your blog.

    1. I hope to continue with a more well polished post once a week. I think that'll take the stress down a little and help make this more enjoyable again rather than it feeling like a foreboding commitment

  2. That makes so much sense - and it will so help you.
