Saturday, August 18, 2018

Motörhead - Hellraiser

Band: Motörhead
Song: Hellraiser (Cover Song)
Album: March Or Die (1992)
Genre: Speed Metal

I feel like I might have posted Motörhead recently, but I feel like it's important to share this one now, because I'm embarking on watching all the Hellraiser movies again.  While only the first 2 movies are actually worth anybody's time, I feel like it's good to watch them all again since I don't remember what happens in any of them.

Fun Hellraiser trivia, the later instalments were literally just movies that had Pinhead added as an addition.  That's why we get such drastic departures to his character as the series goes on, in addition to the sketchy writing.

There was the one that was a kind of a cop drama, there was the one about a video game, and there was the one about a cult that felt the most like Pinhead just didn't belong at all.

I enjoy them all decently though, so I'm pumped to watch them again.  I just need to find a spot to watch 3 through 8, since Shudder and Netflix only have the first 2.

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  1. I remember Hellraiser and Pinhead well, so this brings back dark memories. Only saw 1 & 2.

    1. Don't sully the memories, they're the only ones really worth watching
