Saturday, August 25, 2018

Bastille - World Gone Mad

Band: Bastille
Song: World Gone Mad
Album: Bright: The Album
Genre: Indie Pop
Language: Strong

I feel like I mentioned in the past how much I enjoyed the soundtrack for Bright, but that doesn't mean I can't tell you again, right?

I don't really listen to Bastille at all (mostly for lack of familiarity with their music), but I've enjoyed the tunes I've heard from them so far.  Not as many places in my general playlists, but good for public even lists.

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  1. Don't know Bright or Bastille, but like this.

    1. Bright was a cool little buddy cop movie that focused on a world that was modern, but with your standard Tolkien-esq fantasy creatures in it, well worth a watch if you enjoy stuff like that

  2. I will attempt to catch it - thanks.
