Saturday, April 28, 2018

A to Z 2k18: Y is for Yggdrasil

Band:  Yggdrasil
Song:  Valkyria
Album:  Vedergällning (2009)
Genre:  Folk Metal

Shoutout to Jeff for coming in clutch with another obscure metal band, amirite?  Apologies to those of you who don't enjoy the harsh vocals, this brings that sound in pretty hard.  After all though, the sidebar does say Rap and Metal are my main draws, so let's dive right in.

First a fun fact, Yggdrasil is the name of the tree of life in Norse mythology.  It was an immense ash tree tat held the 9 realms in it's branches.

I've found through the last few years that I've actually paid attention to any form of Folk Metal, that I actually like it a lot.  There's some bands like Eluveitie (please listen) that rock out the traditional instrument front, and then there's guys like Yggdrasil that go more in the Metal path.  I like it though, there's a blackened undertone that you don't usually find in this music.  There's a lot of Black Metal undertone here throughout the album, so if that's your scene it's straight gold.

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  1. I can't not like this as I'm into Norse mythology - even posted about Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life a few years ago for A to Z - The blend of folk and metal works well and I can see them being a great group at a festival.

    [My Y is -]

    1. There's so many good Nordic folk bands in the Metal scene, it's hard not to like at least some of them. I used to be more of a fan of Greek mythology, but the Norse stuff has grown on me a lot since taking up listening to this style of music

  2. Looking at the photo of them at the top, this is not the music that I was expecting!

    You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift

    1. For sure! I was surprised to hear the screaming at all
