Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A to Z 2k18: C is for Carach Angren

Band:  Carach Angren
Song:  When Crows Tick On Windows
Album:  This Is No Fairytale (2015)
Genre:  Symphonic Black Metal

I suppose it just wouldn't be my blog if I didn't drop some sort of Black Metal act during it, right?  I suppose last year is technically the first time I did that, but I truend to start Black Metal Friday for a little bit, so that's gotta count for something.

Anyway, here's Symphonic Black Metal titans, Carach Angren.  These guys are hands down some of the best music I've ever heard.  The combination of the incredibly aggressive vocal styling against the pretty little string section is a beautiful bit of contrast.  Their entire discography is varying levels of that, and they always manage to bring a crazy story to the mix.

This Is No Fairytale brings a frightening modern take on the old Hansel & Gretel story.  It turns it from the classic tale you may or may not remember to a horrific tale of child molestation, cannibalistic clowns, mental illness, and how the real nightmare is everyday life.

If you're a fan of creepy stories I'd recommend you take a listen to to the album.  Read the lyrics as it goes, it'll really give you an immersive experience you won't forget.  The first time I listened to the album it made me hella uncomfortable for a couple days, it's very well written stuff.

To be fair I wasn't as huge a horror fan as I am now, so that might have affected how I was affected by it.  Good stuff though, I hope you enjoy it.

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  1. What a creepy video! It's nice to see the band taking fairytales back to their original dark roots though.

    Circle the Drain by Katy Perry

    1. Right? All their albums have dealt in little horror stories, they're such an interesting act.

  2. I have to admit, I didn't expect to like it at all, but there is something mesmerising about it. The undercurrent of music is so melodic and then it's almost like a narrations over the top.
    Tasha's Thinkings - Movie Monsters

    1. I was a little worried about that too, a lot of the bands I'm featuring in the beginning here are a little harsher than general tastes seem to accept, but this is such a great song I couldn't pass it up!

  3. How absolutely sad. I did watch it all the way to the end, even though it started to get to me about halfway through. Not sure if it was the intensity of it or the lyrics, though, but the two combined were a pretty powerful punch.

    1. The whole album in wonderfully horrific. I feel like it's the best thing they're likely to put out, I wish they had a video for every song on the album.

  4. I didn't expect to like it but I did.

    1. It's a very certain feeling, the whole band really conveys the stories they tell with the over the top performance.

      Their album "Where The Corpses Sink Forever" is all stories focusing on WWII, it's an intense thing.
