Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A to Z 2k18: U is for Umphrey's McGee

Band:  Umphrey's McGee
Song:  Made To Measure
Album:  Mantis (2009)
Genre:  Jam, Progressive Rock
Language:  Brief

Out of all the letters I thought I'd have issues with, I really didn't think that U would be one of them.  It turns out that all the U bands that came to mind for me were too popular for me to post.

My dad mentioned Umphrey's though, and that brought back a lot of fun memories from my first MP3 player.  It held about 200 songs and about 20 of them were these guys.  I wasn't as in to their stuff then seeing as I'm not a fan of longer songs, but I can much more appreciate what they bring to the music scene now.  There's a lot of stuff going on in their music, and I'm even able to add some of their stuff to my school playlist

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  1. I really like this. It has quite a jolly vibe.

    Undiscovered by James Morrison

    1. It does indeed. They have such a wide variety of music, it's great.
