Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A to Z 2k18: J is for JFB

Artist:  JFB
Song:  Social Know-How
Album:  What Goes Around...
Genre:  Eletro-Swing

Are you familiar with the genre that is Electro-Swing?  It's really a blast.  You get to enjoy all the fun of traditional Swing stuff, with all kinds of fun additions from EDM stuff getting a more modern party going.

Now there's some artists that will take it all and perform the individual instruments live, and there's other guy, like JFB, who are DJs that cut up old songs and layer them in with other stuff.  I'm not sure which style I'm more partial to at this point, but since we've already blown past C it's not like I can introduce Caravan Palace at this point of the game.

I feel like if we're gonna reintroduce the roaring 20s we may as well have a cool remixed version of the old tunes to get down to, ya know?

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  1. Swing has never really been my thing (ha! that rhymed), but it's definitely more interesting with a bit of an electro vibe. What a weird video though!

    Just Walk Away by Celine Dion

    1. I'll be honest here, I didn't watch the video at all till you mentioned it now, haha

  2. Awesome! I love swing, but I've never heard of electro swing. Thanks! <a href=">Melanie's Stories</a>

    1. My pleasure! It's a wonderful world of music, haha

  3. I have never heard of electro-swing, but now that I have I can quite see why it is called that :) Can't help bopping along!
    Tasha's Thinkings - Movie Monsters
