Monday, April 16, 2018

A to Z 2k18: N is for Nile

Band:  Nile
Song:  Lashed To The Slave Stick
Album:  Annihilation Of The Wicked (2005)
Genre:  Death Metal

Who here likes Egypt?  Cool, I have a band for you.

It's not often you find a band that's as lyrically theatrical as Nile while actually giving information.  If you listen to what these guys have to say, you'll actually get a load of Egyptian mythology thrown at you.  Most of that's because the primary writer, Karl Sanders, is a huge Egypt buff.

On top of that their songs are crushingly brutal.  I remember checking these guys out in the past and really not enjoying what they had to offer, but listening again I'm fully willing to believe I just picked up the wrong album.  I mean, I enjoy Death Metal a lot more now than I used to as well, but no biggie.

QUESTION!  What's been your favorite song I've posted so far this month / What band have you been most excited to get introduced to?

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  1. I love everything to do with ancient Egypt, but I don't think Death Metal will ever be my favourite kind of music. I think Edenbridge or Il Nino have been my favourites so far!

    Nowhere Left to Run by McFly

    1. I can fully accept that, haha
      I'm glad you've enjoyed Edenbridge and Ill Nińo too! They're both pretty solid acts

  2. A bit heavy for me again, but I like the idea of a band with an Egyptian theme :)
    Tasha's Thinkings - Movie Monsters
