Saturday, May 2, 2015

A to Z Reflections as a daily blog.

Firstly, let's do my music blog thing and cue some sappy music.

Let's start by recapping what I said yesterday.  It was a lot of fun, and I really can't wait to do it again next year.  I will need a slightly altered theme to be sure (freaking Qs and Xs), but it will be a crap ton of fun anyway.

I feel kinda bad, cause I made a lot of my posts up till the last 8 or so a good time in advance so that I'd have time to visit other people's blogs.  As it turned out, I visited a lot, but didn't comment on too many because, as somebody who isn't a writer, I didn't have a lot in common with you guys.  I'm some "punk kid" who listens to a lot of "screamo" and "hippity hop music", so I really didn't anticipate many of you guys enjoying mine either.

As it turns out, a couple of people did seem to actually enjoy what I was doing.  I had a few people who I had visited early on stop by and say hey, and I had one Stephen Tremp stop by a lot after the half way point.  Honestly, that was probably the coolest thing for me.  I don't care if it's just because he was one of the co-hosts and visited everybody anyway, getting comments is something that I seriously enjoy.

On a different viewpoint though, I already have a daily blog.  I post a song every single day, Monday through Sunday, and what this challenge did for me was possibly a little different than what a lot of you guys did.  I don't have an issues getting out a lot of posts, but I do have an issue getting a semi organized thing going.  I might do theme weeks, but I keep them at weeks cause I don't have the gumption to actually organize myself up any sort of thing that resembles a cohesive thing.

Now though I have plans for recurring themed days, more holiday themes, actually getting more album reviews going, and all kinds of stuff.

I hope that those of you who enjoyed following my blog during the challenge will continue to follow afterword, but if not, I understand.  I play loud noises in a land of writers and since my mom is involved in that community I get that these things need quiet and less chaos than I enjoy in my life.

Happy A to Z everybody, I hope to see you next year, and congrats to everybody else who made it all the way as well.


  1. I think you did fine. Even though you were already posting every day, it's a very different thing to have to turn it into an organized 30-day theme.

    I'm still not sure I'm able to forgive you for putting Queen over Quadrophenia, though. That one truly took a mother's love to overlook.

    Great job, Noah! You made it!

    1. "Wait, your father gave you Van Halen?" "Wait, your father gave you Led Zeppelin?" "Wait, your father gave you Frank Zappa?" "Wait, your father gave you AC/DC?" Wait, your father gave you *insert literally any rock band*?"

      Please, there is so much that could have been your fault, this is only a tiny issue.

      Thanks for the congratulations though, haha

    2. Well, to be fair, your position as the oldest child puts you smack-dab in the "experimental parenting" category. I have no other excuse.

    3. Dang that "experimental parenting", you clearly screwed up with the second one, why was I punished for it?

  2. Great Theme! I, too, had a musical theme going, as that is the main theme of my blog. Going to have to subscribe to you so I can keep up with your regular posts :) Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year! See you on the Road Trip!

    Mary @

    1. Hmmm no place to subscribe to your blog. That's frustrating! I bet if you added that, you would have more 'regular' visitors. Just a thought.

    2. I actually didn't even know there was a subscribe button, so thanks for that, lol.

      Another music blog though, that's terrific! I keep meaning to find some, but most of the ones I find are no longer active. Good to see somebody else doing this.

  3. How did I miss this blog? A song a day ... My kind of blog. I will definitely be a regular now. I didn't get around to all the blogs this year because I made the mistake of not planning and writing my post in advance.

    You mentioned that you visited blogs but didn't comment. You don't have to be a writer to comment. One of the greatest and most rewarding benefits of the challenge is the opportunity to meet and connect with new people . You said you loved getting the comments. Well, you have an amazing blog and you already have a cool theme going. I hope you will reconsider leaving comments on other blogs because once you do, you will start getting return visitors and commenters in high numbers . I'm glad you liked the challenge. Congratulations on making it all the way through .
    I am number 424 on the reflection post sign up list.
    Melissa Sugar

    1. Hey! Sorry for not responding sooner I'm not sure how I missed your comment before.

      Honestly, I just never know what to say in a comment. I don't want to be like "Great post, thanks for sharing!" because I want to be more original, but at the same time I'm just not somebody who goes up to random people and starts a conversation.

      Thanks for the compliment about my theme though, I'll be sure to check out you blog as well.

  4. Hello there.
    Congratulations on completing the challenge! Just meandering through today from the Road Trip.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess
