Band: Coal Chamber
Genre: Nu-Metal
I don't suppose I can do a Nu-Metal feature without mentioning one of the biggest comebacks in the genre till Korn took that spot this year.
Coal Chamber was never really a big deal. The existed on the stage of Ozzfest and some other stuff like that, but aside from covering a Peter Gabriel song they never really rose to very high levels of fame in the same way that bands like Korn, and Slipknot did. I discovered them via a joke made in a YouTube video and I really wasn't impressed at first. They had a really psycho vibe that it took me a little bit to get into but once I did I kinda liked what I was hearing.
They broke up in 2003 and honestly I wouldn't have been surprised if that was the end of them but lo and behold one day I was looking at their music and there was a new album at the top of the queue. Turns out this new album is actually rather fantastic and was a really strong return for them musically. I look forward to hearing what they end up doing in the future.

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