Band: Nirvana
Genre: Grunge
So I feel like everybody know this song, but that doesn't mean I can't post it anyway.
I'm honestly really glad I didn't tune into music until after they were broken up and gone so that I didn't listen to them as part of the trend. Not trying to be a hipster, I just realize that I get caught up in music trends from time to time.
By not listening during the height of their popularity i'm able to check them out with a more critical eye then I probably would otherwise. I don't mean to say that these guys aren't good, but realistically they aren't that great anymore. Kurt Cobain was a sub par vocalist who made up most of his lyrics on the spot in the studio. While we can look at that as a cool thing for some of his more intricate songs or just plain more lyrically involved you gotta look at the other 90% of their discography that is just bad. Negative Creep as an example. I could make up those lyrics man, and my lyrics are some of the clingiest trash I've ever read in my life.
I love this song, Lithium is a fantastic song, as are most of the songs on this album. There's no reason to try and lift the band on this giant freaking platform though, cause they don't deserve it. Game changing? Sure, they helped elevate the Grunge era. Thing is though most of the Grunge bands of the era are like the Metalcore bands that flood everything right now. They suck and they burn out quick. There are a couple that last, but more of them just die. I get that's how music fads work, but I feel like Nirvana doesn't need the crazy cult following that they still have. It's a good guys, move on,

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