Band: My Chemical Romance (MCR)
Genre: Punk Rock
So long and goodnight. That's the last line of this song.
This was also the last song that MCR ever played live, so it was also the last line they ever sang. This is one of many things that twisted the band's fans in knots forever and ever. Because the community was incredibly emotional, get it?
But seriously, I can't hate on these guys even if (like many bands) they have a weird fan bass. The music they created managed to hit a chord with a lot of people that not too many people replicate quite the same.
Heck, look at the fanbase reaction to the whole MCRX thing. With 11 rough cuts and live mixes of songs they managed to make hundreds of thousands of people freak out. Granted that's cause most people thought it was going to be a reunion, but that's not important.
Also Gerard Way fit the look much better when he had black hair, I'm not as huge a fan of the white hair being short and the red hair was just kinda scary.

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