Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Eminem - Not Afraid

Artist: Eminem
Song: Not Afraid
Genre: Rap, Hip Hop
Language: Strong

Freaking heck, hi, my name is Noah and I can't get a post out on time to save my life.

But for real, I'm super sorry about that.  Tomorrow's will be out on time, I promise.

I figured today I'd feature one of the references MGK made in his diss track.  I kinda like it, and it's a cool message he's coming with, ya know?  Good song.

You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, or even sponsor my podcast on Patreon. No big, do whatever. But yeah, Twitter and Facebook are where I’m most active.

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  1. I'm not sure what your problem is . . . two jobs and only a few hours of sleep at a time between them. I'm pretty sure you can fit in a third job and another blog if you believe hard enough.

    1. If I wasn't so busy watching the second Conjuring in instalments before The Nun comes out I'd probably be able to, haha
