Thursday, August 16, 2018

Metallica - Sad But True

Band: Metallica
Song: Sad But True
Album: The Black Album (1991)
Genre: Metal

I'm not sure why, but this song's intro riff has been playing on a loop in my head for the entire evening.  I've found this to be a good way to stop that, so here's an absolutely bomb Metallica song from one of their best albums.

This was one of the first Metal albums I ever bought, so hearing this is bringing back loads of memories, not gonna lie.

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  1. Not one I know so the education continues. How did I miss it?

    1. I feel like while the Black album was big, people mostly only know Enter Sandman when they think of it. I'm a huge fan of the song The God That Failed, I don't think it gets enough respect as far as the album goes
