Thursday, August 23, 2018

DEVO - Through Being Cool

Band: DEVO
Song: Through Being Cool
Album: The Traditionalists (1981)
Genre: New Wave

Alice Cooper made me think of a lot of the music I haven't listened to in a while, and it reminded me of Devo.

While I was never much familiar with these guys outside of their Greatest Hits album, I still do enjoy the sound they have going on.  I suppose they're a good example of a band I'm not super familiar with, but I'd call myself a fan, ya know?

I just love the synth stuff, it's fun.

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  1. I'm sure that I've heard these guys, but not a group that hooked me - but it's kind of catchy.

    1. Up until earlier this week all I could think of when I thought of their songs was Whip It, but they're for sure an acquired taste
