Friday, August 17, 2018

Rob Zombie - Well, Everybody's F***ing In A U.F.O.

Artist: Rob Zombie
Song: Well, Everybody's F***ing In A U.F.O.
Album: The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser (2015)
Genre: Industrial Metal
Language: Strong

Firstly, Rob Zombie needs to chill with these overly long song and album names.  Like, dude, this album's name is 9 words long, which is about 6 words too long.  And their such weird words, it's like reading a Madlib by an edgy 15 year old.

And then I suppose we could get into his subject matter being less than stellar.  Here's my problem though, the song is so freaking catchy that I can stop listening to it.  Same with a few of his other questionable tunes, I just like what Rob does.

Eh, here's a song.  The music video is a little weird, but once you get past the beginning 4 minutes the actual music video is decent.  I'll let you look up that one though.

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  1. Haha I love the disclaimer. It does read like a MadLib, doesn't it?
