Thursday, September 17, 2015

Joe Satriani - A Celebration

1 year!  YES!  Uninterrupted music (with the exception of forgetting to share the link on G+ or the occasional late post) for 365 days!  Grand total of 365 songs, though one was a repeat on my birthday.  I was going to post that Kool & The Gang song today, but I posted that sometime last year.  Curse me for not thinking ahead.

It's been quite a year with a lot of music, but I'd call it worth it, wouldn't you?  I'd call my favorite part of the year the A to Z challenge, but that's just me.  If you missed that be sure to check out all the posts in April, that's when it happened.

However long you've been following me I'd just like to thank you for it.  It means a lot to log in and see that a pst has another couple views on it, or that there's a comment.  Thank you all.

Alright, now the music.

Artist:  Joe Satriani
Genre:  Instrumental, Metal, Rock, Guitar

I'm really not 100% sure how to classify Satriani and I don't feel like googling it.  He does some straight up jaw dropping playing though and is well worth watching play live.  Take a second and look up some of his videos from the G3 tours where he plays with Steve Via and a third guitarist.  It's always really good.

This song is just an instrumental, but even if that's not your cup of tea check it out.  It's only a little over 2 minutes long and a really fun listen.

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